If you’re going to have a snowboard challenge on a dryslope in the summer then you have to be pretty creative to get some unique content from it. Red Bull were running their #ProjectPro series over the summer and Billy Morgan was one of the athletes who could be challenged by local riders on the obscure task of the longest distance walked on their hands in 30 seconds. Billy set the bar at 15 metres and anyone else could give it a go. A few came close but no-one beat him.
However if Billy is involved then it can sometimes veer off down a slightly different path than to what is expected… even more so when you add Danny McCormick in to the equation too!
After both of them becoming taco’s around the rookie box the session transferred to Bearsden’s now internationally known kicker and quarter pipe set up. Fuelled by cans of Red Bull and in some cases quite a few pints of Tennet’s lager, the tunes were going and the send was launched, with even a few of the old guard and the really OG old guard too. Amazingly no-one broke themselves, prizes were handed out and all managed to make a safe return to the bar for a cold social adult beverage.